Pugkung Whatever goes...

First post


This is the first blog post for my personal site. I will keep up to explore new things and share my knowledge over this blog from time to time.

I used to write a few entries on Medium, but I found that it lacks flexibility to post things like code snippets (without drawing diagram or writing code elsewhere). After exploring some static-site generators that support blogging and Markdown, I think this might be more suitable for simplicity and support what I might be writing.

For example, writing things in markdown format could support writing simple stuff such as tables and code snippet easily

| Syntax       | Medium | Markdown |
| ------------ | - | - |
| Reachability | ✓ | ❌ |
| Page Customization | ❌ | ✓ |
| URL	       | ✓ | ✓ |
| Image	       | ✓ | ✓ |
| Table        | ❌ | ✓ |
| Code Snippet | ❌ | ✓ |

The above code would be automatically translate into the table below.

Page Customization
Code Snippet

Surplus, I think it would be helpful to use markdown language as it could be apply to write documentation on repositories (eg. readme file)

Resource for building this blog:

Copyright © 2023 Pugkung